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Charles E. Brown
Charles E. Brown (1896 - 1982, (UK) was a commercial photographer working for United Kingdom newspapers, the aviation industry and a freelance commercial photographer. For his 14th birthday he was given a small camera by he's farther. In 1911 he captured an image of a Balloon landing in Southfields, London. The art-editor of the Daily Mirror after asked him to consider a career in newspaper photography when he left school. After the war 1914-1918 Charles Brown established his own freelance press photography business, where he also specialised in railway photography. In 1924 a snapshot of a boy talking to a driver of a Southern Railway King Arthur class locomotive on platform 4 of Waterloo station was used in railway posters for the next 10 years with the slogan 'South for Sunshine'. After the success of the Southern Railway poster, this allowed Charles Brown to expand and diversify his freelance press business to include the developing aviation.
November 5th 2024
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