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PLM, Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée
The Compagnie des chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée, also known as the Chemins de fer Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée or simply PLM, was one of France’s main railway companies until the nationalization of all French railways and establishment of the Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) in 1938. Then network of PLM became the southeastern region of the SNCF. Established in 1857, the PLM grew between 1858 and 1862 from the amalgamation of the earlier Paris–Lyon and Lyon–Méditerranée companies, as well as subsequently incorporating a number of smaller railways. The PLM operated chiefly in the Southeast of France, with a main line which connected Paris to the French Riviera by way of Dijon, Lyon and Marseille. The PLM is famous for their travel posters from tourist sites..They commissioned poster artist Roger Broders, sponsoring his travel to the French Riviera and the French Alps so he could visit the subjects of his work. Lithographs of travel posters Broders rendered for PLM are still available commercially. Several of their draughtsmen went on to notable careers, including Alfred Grévin and David Dellepiane.
November 1st 2024
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