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November 26nd 2024
Drømmenes kupé (The Compartment of Dreams)
Drømmenes kupé (The Compartment of Dreams), Danish Railway Museum 2017. The special exhibition, designed by Kvorning architects , focuses on Danes' train journeys abroad in the 1970ies and 1980ies. Both the luxury journeys with the blue Wagons-Lits carriages to classic destinations and the Interrail journeys into the blue with the red, worn-out DSB carriages. Two forms of travel that travel agencies first offered in the 70s. The Dream Carriage is a poetic exhibition that is intended to make visitors dream for themselves. Leave everyday life behind. Give yourself away for a while. That is why the exhibition is also designed as a train journey. Before, during and after. Preparations with a travel agency, packing list and foreign currency. The journey's compartments, meals and expectations. And the arrival at Gare du Nord in Paris. To ensure top-notch museum experiences, the objects in the special exhibition have been selected according to all the rules of art and limited to a minimum in order to capture the essence and atmosphere of the journey and at the same time ensure space and peace for contemplation. One's background helps to create wholeness and coherence across the board. Just as interactive and analog offerings complement each other everywhere. (Quoted after Kvorning).
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