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November 15th 2024
Emil Kessler
Emil Kessler (1813-1867) was a German entrepreneur and founder of the Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Karlsruhe and the Maschinenfabrik Esslingen. Kessler studied civil engineering and mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic. In 1837 he founded the Emil Kessler & Theodor Martiensen machine factory in Karlsruhe, where equipment, small machines and railway accessories were manufactured. After 1842 the factory produced rolling stock for the Königlich Württembergische Staats-Eisenbahnen (Royal Württemberg State Railways). Kessler was later the sole owner of the company. In 1848 it was converted into a joint-stock company, and Keßler lost a large part of his assets. After this loss, Keßler withdrew from Karlsruhe and moved to Esslingen where he had won the tender initiated by the Württemberg government in 1845 for the Maschinenfabrik Esslingen, that was primarily intended as a supplier of railway equipment and delivered its first locomotive in 1847. During his lifetime, a total of about 800 locomotives were manufactured. The Esslingen rail vehicles were a sought-after export products due to their suitability for mountainous regions. Emil Kessler died in 1867 from a heart attack.
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