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David Gentleman
David Gentleman (1930 - ) is a British artist who works in illustration, printmaking and design. In the field of philatelic design, he has helped to bring about lasting changes in the subjects and design of the British philatelic programme. The son of a designer and a painter, David Gentleman studied art at St. Albans Art School and the Royal College of Art1. He began his career in illustration and wood engraving. Between 1962 and 2000, Gentleman designed 103 stamps for the Post Office, making him the most prolific stamp designer in Britain at that time. These include sets commemorating Shakespeare, Churchill, Darwin, British Ships, Concorde, the Battle of Britain, the Battle of Hastings, the BBC, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Social Reformers and the Millennium. His stamp designs included an album of experimental designs commissioned by Tony Benn, the then Postmaster General, to show how stamps could dispense with the large photograph of the Queen then mandatory, or alternatively replace it with a smaller profile silhouette. More than 40 years later, the wider range of subjects, the profile and the simpler designs that it made possible remained a feature of all British special stamps. In 2022, the Royal Mail issued a set of six stamps commemorating Gentleman's designs
December 31th 2024
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