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November 26nd 2024
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) French visual artist and art theorist, one of the most groundbreaking and controversial figures in 20th-century art. In Marcel Duchamp's early paintings, Cubist features are combined with the dynamics of movement, for example in Nude Descending a Staircase (1911, Museum of Art, Philadelphia), which in a larger version from 1912 became a scandalous success at the Armory Show in New York in 1913. He lived in New York from 1915-18, and together with colleagues he represented Dadaism in Paris in 1919-20 . Marcel Duchamp's major work, The Bride Dressed Naked by Her Bachelors, Even (1915-23, Museum of Art, Philadelphia), often called The Large Glass, consists of glass plates, oil paint and lead; an insight into the erotic undertones of this work is provided by The Green Box (1934), which contains notes, sketches etc. In 1942 another suitcase followed with a collection of Duchamp's most important works in miniature format, the transportable museum. The term readymade originated as a designation for works such as Bicycle Wheel (1913), Bottle Drying Rack (1914) and the urinal Fontæne (1917), with which Duchamp laid the foundation for the redefinition of the artist's role and the concept of art that has taken place in the 1900s. Marcel Duchamp withdrew from the art scene in 1923 to devote himself to the game of chess. However, he maintained contact with the art world, including by his imaginative stagings of the great surrealist exhibitions, just as he secretly worked on the installation Etant donnés ('The Given') for years; it can be found, like several of his works, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in the USA.
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