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December 14th 2024
Railways in Skåne
Skåne (English: Scania) is the southernmost of the historical provinces (landskap) of Sweden, located in the south tip of the geographical region of Götaland.. When the Södra stambana (South mainline) was built by the state through Skåne in the mid-1850s, an extension to Hässleholm was built. A line to Kristianstad was fully privately financed, as the Swedish state did not want to contribute any money. In Helsingborg, there had been discussions since 1859 about the city being connected to the Södra stambana. After a discussion about various alternative routes, a railway was opened in 1865 heading southeast to Eslöv. Other railway lines were privately financed. The first coordination was Östra Skånes Järnvägar (ÖSJ) (The Eastern Scania Railways) from 1898, a collective name for a number of smaller railways in Eastern Skåne. In 1936, Kristianstad–Hässleholms Järnvägar (CHJ) (The Kristianstad–Hässleholm Railways) acquired the majority shareholding in ÖSJ and the two railway networks were jointly managed thereafter. In connection with the merger, CHJ rationalized its route network. In 1944, the railways was nationalized and became part of Statens Järnvägar (Swedish Railways). In 1955, the railways were gradually electrified. In the early 1970s, local passenger transport was in very bad shape, only to experience a renaissance after 1991. This is seen as a result of the Swedish railway reform. In 1991, the local counties were given responsibility for local rail passenger transport. In 1999 Skånetrafiken (Scania Traffic) was established as the regional transportation system. Skånetrafiken is responsible for trains and buses, while the transport itself is carried out by private operators. Skånetrafiken worked on modernizing and expanding the train network and improving coordination between buses and trains. Today Skånetrafiken manages over 180,000 trips per day, connecting cities like Malmö, Helsingborg, Lund, and Kristianstad. It also plays a critical role in the Öresund Region. The Öresundståg (Öresund trains) is connecting Skåne with Copenhagen, Denmark, with direct trains, via the Öresund Bridge. The Öresundståg became a key service for cross-border commuters.
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