Freidrichstrasse Railway Station August
2003. Photo SBL
I cannot think of anywhere you feel the
heartbeat of modern Europe as you do in the cosmopolitan
Friedrichstrasse, Berlin. Named after the famous
Prussian king Friedrich der Grosse (Friedrich the
Great), king in the time of absolutism and
enlightenment. He was coached by the French philosopher
Voltaire. The railway station (Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse)
has served East-West and North-South traffic, leading to
all corners of Europe. One U-line (underground), six
S-lines (four elevated, two underground) are passing as
well. Before World War 2 it was a busy
During the Cold War Friedrichstrasse was a
dull street with big scars from the war and with crossing
points between East and West: Check Point Charlie in one
end and the railway check point at Bahnhof
Friedrichstrasse in the other. At this Bahnhof I have been
waiting for hours while the East German police searched
the train with dogs. At the underground U-bahn station
Westerns were able to go under East Berlin without visa
and buy tax-free, because East Germany was desperate for
hard currency. Now times are changing. The area has been a
tremendous building site for several years. Fashion shops,
five star hotels and department stores are opening in this
famous and busy street, which to me is a symbol of the
dramatic history of Europe in the 20th century.
During the Cold War the station was
divided in two sections, East and West. Here is the